Q. How many ways can we maintain the state of
a page?
Ans. 1. Client Side -
Query string, hidden variables, viewstate, cookies
2. Server side
application , cache, context, session, database
Q. What is the use of a multicast delegate?
Ans. A multicast delegate may be used to call more than one method.
Q. What is the use of a private constructor?
Ans. A private constructor may be used to prevent the creation of an instance for a class.
Q. What is the use of Singleton pattern?
Ans. A Singleton pattern .is used to make sure that only one instance of a class exists.
Ans. 1. Client Side -
Query string, hidden variables, viewstate, cookies
2. Server side
application , cache, context, session, database
Q. What is the use of a multicast delegate?
Ans. A multicast delegate may be used to call more than one method.
Q. What is the use of a private constructor?
Ans. A private constructor may be used to prevent the creation of an instance for a class.
Q. What is the use of Singleton pattern?
Ans. A Singleton pattern .is used to make sure that only one instance of a class exists.
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