Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Dependency Injection (DI) vs. Inversion of Control (IOC)

Dependency Injection (DI) vs. Inversion of Control (IOC)
The main goal of Inversion of control and Dependency Injection is to remove dependencies of an application. This makes the system more decoupled and maintainable.
First let’s try to understand IOC (Inversion of control). If you go back to old computer programming days, program flow used to run in its own control. For instance let’s consider a simple chat application flow as shown in the below flow diagram.
  1. End user sends chat message.
  2. Application waits for the message from the other end.
  3. If no message is found it goes to Step 2 or else moves to Step 4.
  4. Displays the message.
  5. User continues with his work ahead.

Now if you analyze the program flow closely, it’s sequential. The program is in control of himself. Inversion of control means the program delegates control to someone else who will drive the flow. For instance if we make the chat application event based then the flow of the program will go something as below:-
  1. End user sends chat message.
  2. User continues with his work ahead.
  3. Application listens to events. If a message arrives event is activated and message is received and displayed.

If you see the program flow it’s not sequential, its event based. So now the control is inverted. So rather than the internal program controlling the flow, events drive the program flow. Event flow approach is more flexible as their no direct invocation which leads to more flexibility.
A word of caution here, do not conclude that IOC are implemented by only events. You can delegate the control flow by callback delegates, observer pattern, events, DI (Dependency injection) and lot of other ways.
IOC (Inversion of control) is a general parent term while DI (Dependency injection) is a subset of IOC. IOC is a concept where the flow of application is inverted. So for example rather than the caller calling the method. | Copy Code
Will get replaced with an event based approach as shown below. | Copy Code
SomeObject.WhenEvent += Call();
In the above code the caller is exposing an event and when that event occurs he is taking action. It’s based on the Hollywood principle “Don’t call us we will call you”. In Hollywood when artists used to give auditions the judges would say them “Don’t call us we will call you”.
The above approach makes code more flexible as the caller is not aware of the object methods and the object is not aware of caller program flow.

DI provides objects that an object needs. So rather than the dependencies construct themselves they are injected by some external means. For instance let’s say we have the following below class “Customer” who uses a “Logger” class to log errors. So rather than creating the “Logger” from within the class, you can inject the same via a constructor as shown in the below code snippet.

The biggest benefit achieved by the above approach is “Decoupling”. You can now invoke the customer object and pass any kind of “Logger” object as shown in the below code. | Copy Code
Customer obj = new Customer(new EmailLogger());
Customer obj1 = new Customer(new EventViewerLogger());
So summarizing the differences. 
Inversion of control :- It’s a generic term and implemented in several ways (events, delegates etc).
Dependency injection :- DI is a subtype of IOC and is implemented by constructor injection, setter injection or method injection.
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Below is a nice video which demonstrates IOC ( Inversion of control) and how its is different from DI ( Dependency injection)

Implementation of Dependency Injection Pattern in C#

Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that allow us to develop loosely coupled code. DI is a great way to reduce tight coupling between software components. DI also enables us to better manage future changes and other complexity in our software. The purpose of DI is to make code maintainable.
The Dependency Injection pattern uses a builder object to initialize objects and provide the required dependencies to the object means it allows you to "inject" a dependency from outside the class.
For example, Suppose your Client class needs to use a Service class component, then the best you can do is to make your Client class aware of an IService interface rather than a Service class. In this way, you can change the implementation of the Service class at any time (and for how many times you want) without breaking the host code.

We can modify this code by the DI different ways. We have following different ways to implement DI :
Constructor Injection
1.      This is the most common DI.
2.      Dependency Injection is done by supplying the DEPENDENCY through the class’s constructor when instantiating that class.
3.      Injected component can be used anywhere within the class.
4.      Should be used when the injected dependency is required for the class to function.
5.      It addresses the most common scenario where a class requires one or more dependencies.
1.  public interface IService
2.  {
3.   void Serve();
4.  }
6.  public class Service : IService
7.  {
8.   public void Serve()
9.   {
10. Console.WriteLine("Service Called");
11. //To Do: Some Stuff
12. }
15.public class Client
17. private IService _service;
19. public Client(IService service)
20. {
21. this._service = service;
22. }
24. public void Start()
25. {
26. Console.WriteLine("Service Started");
27. this._service.Serve();
28. //To Do: Some Stuff
29. }
31.class Program
33. static void Main(string[] args)
34. {
35.Client client = new Client(new Service());
36. client.Start();
38. Console.ReadKey();
39. }
The Injection happens in the constructor, by passing the Service that implements the IService-Interface. The dependencies are assembled by a "Builder" and Builder responsibilities are as follows:
1.      knowing the types of each IService
2.      according to the request, feed the abstract IService to the Client
Property injection
1.      Also called Setter injection.
2.      Used when a class has optional dependencies, or where the implementations may need to be swapped. Different logger implementations could be used this way.
3.      May require checking for a provided implementation throughout the class(need to check for null before using it).
4.      Does not require adding or modifying constructors.
1.  public interface IService
2.  {
3.   void Serve();
4.  }
6.  public class Service : IService
7.  {
8.   public void Serve()
9.   {
10. Console.WriteLine("Service Called");
11. //To Do: Some Stuff
12. }
15.public class Client
17. private IService _service;
19. public IService Service
20. {
21. set
22. {
23. this._service = value;
24. }
25. }
27. public void Start()
28. {
29. Console.WriteLine("Service Started");
30. this._service.Serve();
31. //To Do: Some Stuff
32. }
34.class Program
36. static void Main(string[] args)
37. {
38. Client client = new Client();
39. client.Service = new Service();
40. client.Start();
42. Console.ReadKey();
43. }
Method injection
1.      Inject the dependency into a single method, for use by that method.
2.      Could be useful where the whole class does not need the dependency, just the one method.
3.      Generally uncommon, usually used for edge cases.
1.  public interface IService
2.  {
3.   void Serve();
4.  }
6.  public class Service : IService
7.  {
8.   public void Serve()
9.   {
10. Console.WriteLine("Service Called");
11. //To Do: Some Stuff
12. }
15.public class Client
17. private IService _service;
19. public void Start(IService service)
20. {
21. this._service = service;
22. Console.WriteLine("Service Started");
23. this._service.Serve();
24. //To Do: Some Stuff
25. }
27.class Program
29. static void Main(string[] args)
30. {
31. Client client = new Client();
32. client.Start(new Service());
34. Console.ReadKey();
35. }
 points about DI
1.      Reduces class coupling
2.      Increases code reusing
3.      Improves code maintainability
4.      Improves application testing

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