Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Async and Await Actions in ASP.NET MVC 4

Async Actions in ASP.NET MVC 4

The .NET 4.5 Framework introduced the new async/await asynchronous programming model. With ASP.NET MVC 4 comes the application of the async/await model to controller actions. A traditional ASP.NET MVC control action will be synchronous by nature; this means a thread in the ASP.NET Thread Pool is blocked until the action completes. Calling an asynchronous controller action will not block a thread in the thread pool.
Asynchronous actions are best when your method is I/O, network-bound, or long-running and parallelizable. Another benefit of an asynchronous action is that it can be more easily canceled by the user than a synchronous request. Note that if the controller action is CPU-bound, making the call asynchronous won't provide any benefit.

public async Task<List<Contact>> GetAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
     using (var context = new ContactContext())
         return await context.Contacts.ToListAsync(cancellationToken);

Compared to the traditional asynchronous approaches the new asynchronous programming model in .NET 4.5 is way cleaner and involves just three main concepts await ,async and Task. The await and async are the keywords introduced in C# 5.0 while Task is a type in the System.Threading.Tasks namespace used for parallel programming. We use task in asynchronous programming to specify the return type of a method. The real beauty of this new approach is that you can write an asynchronous program just as you would write a normal sequential program. async is used to mark a method as being executed asynchronously while await signals that the method is waiting for some processing to complete, like a method call, and cannot continue till that other method completes processing.

So we use this same concept in MVC for requests with high latency. Just for a quick review let’s see how ASP.NET processes a new request. ASP.NET has a pool of threads to service requests, when a new request comes a new thread is picked from the thread pool to service the request. Now this thread that is selected to serve the request cannot serve any other request until the initial request completes. And if this request has a high latency, such as a network operation, then the thread is also blocked until the request finishes execution. So assuming that there are a lot of concurrent high latency calls majority of the threads will be just blocked waiting for the request to finish. So as majority of the threads are just waiting and not doing any processing most of the time, the threads can be better utilized by using asynchronous programming.
In the .NET 4.5 the default maximum size of the thread pool is 5, 000 threads. Though we can extend the size of this thread pool but still the fact is that there is still some limit of the max ThreadPool size and it is always nice not to exhaust this limit of the ThreadPool.
It’s simple to implement asynchronous action methods using the await and async keywords in.NET 4.5.Let’s see how we can implement an action method that makes a network call first using the normal sequential approach and then using the new asynchronous programming approach using the async and await keywords.
The following action method we have implemented returns a List of employees from the database using a service call. Since fetching all the employees may take a considerable amount of time we can implement this action method as an asynchronous method.

In the above method the control does not return back to the calling method until the GetEmployees() web service method completes execution. We can avoid this wait time by implementing the action method asynchronously as below.

If you observe there are only three differences in the asynchronous and synchronous action methods.
  1. In the asynchronous method we are wrapping the return type in a Task while in a normal synchronous method we just return an ActionResult type.
  2. The asynchronous method uses the async keyword in its declaration.
  3. The asynchronous method uses the await keyword while making a method call that is expected to take a while to complete.
If you think that the action method may take to long to execute you can set the timeout using the AsyncTimeout which sets the timeout period in milliseconds. Following method signature sets the timeout of the action method to 200 milliseconds.

public async Task<ActionResult> GetEmployeesAsync()
So suppose there is an action method that takes a long time to execute ,implementing the action method asynchronously will not reduce the time much as compared to the synchronous version of the same method. The difference is that the asynchronous approach will just not keep the action method blocked for the time period it is waiting for the call to the external resource like a network call or a database call to complete.
Rather than expecting that implementing the asynchronous action methods will always result in performance improvement it’s always better to evaluate the scenario and the requirement. Implementing asynchronous action methods will bring performance improvement in the following cases:
When there are long running action methods or action methods that are CPU or network intensive.
When you have a multicore system and want to use parallelism to improve the application performance.
So if you have an application that has a lot of concurrent calls that are network or CPU bound using the asynchronous approach will definitely result in performance improvement.

If you have:
public async Task<Query> GetSqlServerData(Query query)
    var dt = new DataTable();
    var con = new SqlConnection(query.ConnectionString);

    await con.OpenAsync();
    var cmd = new SqlCommand(query.SelectStatement, con);
    var datareader = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync();


    query.Result = dt;
    return query;
Then use:
query1 = await GetSqlServerData(query1);
query2 = await GetSqlServerData(query2);
query3 = await GetSqlServerData(query3);

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